Monday, August 20, 2007

Race Report: Pig Man 70.3

Short version - swam OK, rode well, didn't run well.

Full version -

Swim: came in 3 minute or so over my goal time on the swim. Learning how to swim in a straight line in open water would help a ton. No need to swim any extra distance in these races. Race was wetsuit legal, so that was nice. Swim split = 38 minutes & change

Bike: Beat my goal time by 8 minutes. I was pretty pleased with my ride. Course had a few more hills than advertised, but nothing too bad. Had a great fan base on the course. I think I saw the family 4 or 5 times, that always lifts the spirits. Weather was pretty nice, but was begining to warm up by the end of the ride. Bike Split = 2:54...19.3 MPH pace

Run: Ouch. It wasnt my day on the run course. Nothing much to say about that. It got fairly hot and I didnt have much energy left. Bonked hard. Run Split = 2:26...11:13 pace.

Need to pay more attention to my nutrition, both on a day to day basis and in days leading up to the race. I think that will have a big impact on results.

Final Time = 6:03. Not the best race, not the worst. Just need to do better next time.

1 comment:

a.maria said...

congrats on your half-IM.. sounds like it was a battle there at the end, but 6:03 isn't all bad!

well done you.