Thursday, September 13, 2007

10 Days....

Ten Days till the Redman 70.3 in OKC. Training has gone really well these last few weeks, so I am excited about the race.

Current weather forcast is high of 83 and partly cloudy with 0% rain. That would be wonderful weather, lets hope the wind is at a minimum that day as I have heard you are not very protected from the wind on the course.

I hate to taper, as I feel lazy, but it is necessary to rest. Saturday will be a 40m / 5 mile brick and Sunday will be an EASY 10 miles. Will go for an easy run in Chicago on Tuesday before my meetings, swim 1500 on Wednesday and go for an easy 5m run on Thursday. Reset on Friday.

Enough to keep the blood flowing and to stay active, while allowing my legs to rest up for a busy day on Saturday.

Goal is to break 5:30...

Swim - 35 Min
Bike - 2:45
Run - 1:45

That leaves me 25 minutes leaway for tranisition and extra time during the race. I think it is very realistic.


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