Sunday, October 07, 2007

Getting closer...

Down to 26 days to IM FLA and I am very fired up.

Had my last BIG volume training weekend these last few days. Rode 102 miles today. Last year, leading up to IM WISC my last 100 miles took me 6 hours. I did the 103 today in about 30 minutes less, so that is very encouraging. Have been training on rolling hills south of KC all year, so I am excited about the dead flat course in Florida.

I really think going sub 12 is with in reach. I may or may not hit that goal, but I know I am going to leave it all on the course. I read a quote in Runners World a while back that I really liked. To paraphrase..."if i am still standing at the finsh line, hit my over the head and knock me down, since I obviosuly didn't work hard enough"...I like that guys style.

1 comment:

a.maria said...

"'..I like that guys style."

haa. you're insane. but congrats on the last of the major training rides. k

enjoy your 26 days!